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MLB The Show 2021 Trophy Guide And Road Map


  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3.5/10 

  • Offline trophies: 23 (6 G, 10 S, 7 B)

  • Online trophies: 3 (2 B, 1 P) That Looks Classy and Grand Opening  Require Being Connected To The Diamond Dynasty Server. 

  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: 26-50 Hours (Highly Dependent On How Much You Boost And Luck With The Chopping Firewood Trophy) 

  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Road To The Show, 1 March To October, Multiple Play Now Games

  • Number of missable trophies: 3 Fast Track , OCTOBER BASEBALL™ , WORLD SERIES® Champs. Failing To Achieve One Of These 3 Trophies Will Require A New March To October Playthrough. 

  • Glitched trophies: 2 - Only When Using Cross Save Progression. Users have reported that unlocking No Baseball Is Safe, or Power Swing,  Using Cross Progression Can Lock You Out From Earning The Lower Home Run Requirement Trophies. If You Plan On Playing This On Both Systems, When Starting The Game Of The First Time On A New System Be Sure To Not Be Connected To The Internet And Earn These 3 Trophies Before Connecting To The Server. If You Have Already Started And Have Encountered This Glitch You Will Need To Delete The Game And Reinstall It Then Disable Your Internet Before Starting.

  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, So Play On Beginner And Adjust Sliders In Your Favor Whenever Possible. It Is Important To Note That Will Changing Sliders Prevents You From Earning Profile XP It Will Not Lock You Out From Earning Trophies. Sliders Can Be Changed By Pressing The Gear In The Upper Right Corner Of The Main Menu. Trophies CANNOT Be Earned Using Two Controllers This Year. 

  • Cross Save Usage Isn't Recommended Due To Above Glitches It Can Cause.


Introduction: Welcome To MLB The Show 21 The First Iteration Of The Show To Be Released For The PS5. The Trophy List This Year Is The Same On Both The PS4 And PS5 Versions, So If You Own Both Versions You Can Use The Same Tips For Both. You Will Be Spending Most Of Your Time In 4 Modes, Which Are Road To The Show, March To October, Home Run Derby And Play Now Mode. As With Most Sports Games You Can Play In Any Order You Would Like.


Stage 1 Home Run Derby Mode


There Are Five Trophies That Can Be Completed In Home Run Derby Mode. Use Players With High Power Ratings With The Goal Of Hitting 100 Home Runs And Winning 1 Home Run Derby. This Stage Will Unlock:

Strength & Energy 
Power Swing 
No Baseball Is Safe
Baseball Satellite

Stage 2 Road To The Show Mode.


Road To The Show Is The Career Mode For MLB The Show, While There Are Only 3 Trophies Directly Tied To Road To The Show It Is Possible To Earn Many Of The Single Game Feats As Well. Your Ultimate Goal Here Is To Get Called Up To The Major Leagues. This Stage Will Unlock:

On The Path To Greatness 
The Long Road 
Welcome to The Show!

Stage 3 March To October
In March To October Mode You Will Play The Key Moments Of The 162 Game Season With The Ultimate Goal Of Winning The World Series. Like Road To The You Can Also Earn Some Of The Single Game Feats. This Stage Will Unlock:

Fast Track  

Stage 4 Single Game Feats/Cleanup

After Completing Those 3 Modes You Will Likely Have A Few Trophies That You Will Still Need. If You Are Having Difficulty With Any Of These Trophies, They Can All Easily Be Boosted, And In Some Cases Are a lot Easier To Do This Way. This Stage Will Earn You:

All About Hustle
Chopping Firewood
Dugout Walk 
Free Ticket To 1st 
Friendly Gesture 
I'm Walkin' Here!!
Mowing Them Down
Pitch Collector
Quality Win
Sneak Attack
That Looks Classy
Winning In Style 
Work That Count
King of the Diamond!

King Of The Diamond Trophy Image.png

King Of The Diamond!

Achieve all trophies in MLB The Show 21.

Congratulations you have earned all other trophies and received the platinum!

King Of The Diamond!
No Baseball Is Safe Trophy.png

No Baseball Is Safe

Hit 100 home runs throughout any combination of modes (any mode - offline or online). (Awarded with normal game-play and accumulation of home runs.)

For this trophy you will need to hit 100 home runs total on MLB The Show 21. The quickest way to do so by far is in Home Run Derby Mode. Start a Home Run Derby with 8 participants and play as each participant. You should use players with 95+ Power to make this easier. Playing in a smaller ballpark can also help such as old Yankee Stadium but is not necessary. If you do not hit 100 after finishing, you can start up a second Home Run Derby and finish off the remaining amount.


If you don’t want to do all 100 Homers in Home Run Derby mode, you can save this until after completing March To October And Road To The Show trophies.

No Baseball Is Safe
Quality Win.png

Quality Win

Win a 9-inning game only allowing three hits or less (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, by switching teams, by simulating, and excludes DD moments.)

For this trophy you will need to complete a full 9 Inning game without giving up more than 3 hits from the opponent. To make this easier, I suggest using one of the All-Star or Legend Teams against a Double A team.


Play on beginner difficulty, using Classic Pitching Interface and set the following sliders to minimum (Shift Left)  CPU Contact, CPU Power, CPU Timing, CPU Foul Frequency, CPU Solid Hits, Baserunner Speed


Helpful Sliders to Increase to Maximum (Shift To Right) are Fielder Run Speed, Fielder Reaction, Fielder Arm Strength Infield, Fielder Arm Strength Outfielder.


On Beginner the cpu has difficulty hitting pitches high and inside.


This can also be easily boosted by inviting a friend and having them not swing at any strikes.

Quality Win
Mowing Them Down Trophy Image

Mowing Them Down

Strike out six batters or more within the first 3 innings (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

For this trophy you will need to strike out 6 or more batters out of the 9 outs you get in the first 3 innings To make this easier, I suggest using one of the All-Star or Legend Teams against a Double A team.


Play on beginner difficulty, using Classic Pitching Interface and set the following sliders to minimum (Shift Left) CPU Contact, CPU Power, CPU Timing, CPU Foul frequency , CPU Solid Hits.


On Beginner the cpu has difficulty hitting pitches high and inside. So try to put most of your pitches here especially with 2 strikes to get a strikeout.


This can also be easily boosted by inviting a friend and having them not swing at any strikes.

Mowing Them Down
Welcome To The Show Trophy Image.png

Welcome to The Show!

In Road To The Show, get called up to the MLB® Level.

Road To The Show is the career mode for MLB The Show 21, you will start by getting drafted and placed in Double A. You will start as a two-way player which means you will be a hitter and pitcher. You can decide to focus on only one if you so choose. It is recommended to set all Human Sliders to Maximum while playing on Beginner difficulty, and setting all CPU sliders to minimum. Doing so will allow you to have a far better chance of success. 


When creating your player you will select a load-out which is super important to your progression, choose one main affinity load-out and stick with it as your progress doesn’t carry over if you change affinity. To view your affinity goals go to your player loadout and then press view program, then Road To The Show Missions your goal is to get 100 mission points to receive an affinity upgrade which will improve your overall drastically. Attributes are capped out at 50 so that is why it is critical to upgrade your affinity. To acquire your upgrade you have to open the pack in Diamond Dynasty. You can also equip perks that can be found in the Diamond Dynasty Marketplace to boost your overall, and you can also buy equipment that gives boosts.


Simulating games is not recommended for two reasons: One being you cant earn any mission progress which is crucial to help being called up, and two your overall is very low early on so your stats will be not very good usually when simulating. 


Playing well and having good stats will be enough to get promoted from AA To AAA which is required for The Long Road Trophy, however going from AAA to MLB requires not only good stats but also upgrading your affinity to at-least a silver if not better. 


If you reach a gold affinity and still haven’t been called up to the Majors, you can try starting a new Road To The Show and equipping the Gold Affinity to your new player immediately, then and just keep simulating the first two seasons as it is very likely you will get called up to the majors within that time, for being a high 80s or low 90s overall. 

Welcome to The Show!
WORLD SERIES Champs Trophy Image.png


Win a WORLD SERIES® in March to October. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, postseason mode, or by switching teams.) 

Start a March To October on Beginner Difficulty. Select one of the teams who are “Favorites” to make it easier, which are the following Dodgers, Mets, Yankees, Padres, Braves, Nationals, Astros. In March To October you will be playing Key Games through the regular season 162 Game schedule. Perform well in these moments to gain momentum for the games that are simulated throughout the year. This is essential for having a good record and making the playoffs. Once you reach the playoffs you will be playing moments from every game. If you don’t win your division but make the wildcard you will play a one game series against the other wildcard team which you must win. The next series is the Divisional series which is best of 5 meaning you must win 3 of the 5 games. The Championship and World Series are best of 7 so you must win 4 games in each series. Once you win 4 games in the World Series the trophy will be yours.


Note: Sliders can’t be changed in March To October, that's why you should play on beginner difficulty to make this as easy as possible.

Winning In Style Trophy Image.png

Winning In Style

Win a game on any walk-off. (3 inning min - any mode - offline or online. This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, by simulating/fast forwarding, or by switching teams.)

Set the game to 3 innings and use an all star team against a double A team on beginner difficulty. Now you will want to keep the score tied until your team comes up to bat, now score a run anyway possible to win the game with a walk off. You can also do this in extra innings where you will start with a runner already on second base.



You can use the same method above with a boosting partner to easily obtain this trophy.

Winning In Style
Dugout Walk Trophy Image.png

Dugout Walk

Successfully pick-off a runner on any base (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

This trophy can be difficult against the A.I as they usually don’t take a big lead, so it is suggested to do this with a friend online, by walking the leadoff hitter and having the runner take a huge lead off of first by pressing L1 2 or 3 times, then press L2 + Circle to pick them off. 



However if you would like to try it against the A.I here is the best way to set it up. Use a pitcher with the pickoff ace quirk such as Kyle Hendricks Or Tyler Anderson. Play against a team with a fast leadoff hitter such as the Nationals with Trea Turner. Now walk him intentionally, and when he is on first base wait for him to extend his lead, and try to pick him off by pressing L2 + Circle. 



This can be done in any mode so if you frequently play online you will likely earn this as players tend to get aggressive on the bases.

Dugout Walk
Power Swing Trophy Image.png

Power Swing

Hit 50 home runs throughout any combination of modes (offline or online). (Awarded with normal game-play and accumulation of home runs.)

Power Swing
October Baseball Trophy Image


Win a Division Series in March to October to advance. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, postseason mode, or by switching teams.)

The Division Series is a best of 5 playoff series, so you will need to win 3 games before your opponent does.



See WORLD SERIES Champs for tips for March To October

The Long Road Trophy Image.png

The Long Road

In Road to the Show, get the call to the Triple-A level.

The Long Road


Win a HOME RUN DERBY® (any mode - offline or online). 

The easiest way to do this is starting a Home Run Derby with 2 participants, choose a player with high power, and versus the CPU using a low power player. To speed this up you can even set the rounds to 1:00 minute.

Alternatively you can versus a friend online and they can not swing to ensure they have 0 home runs.

Friendly Gesture Trophy Image.png

Friendly Gesture

With Pinpoint pitching, strike out three batters within an inning (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.) 

Pinpoint pitching requires the use of the analog sticks to locate your pitch location. To use Pinpoint Pitching go to settings, and change Pitching Interface to Pinpoint Pitching. It can be a little tricky to get the hang of. Start up a game against a Double A team, using any top notch pitcher. Now keep throwing pitches on the inside of the plate to try and get swings and misses. You will need to record 3 strikeouts in one inning, there is a workaround to this, if you strike out a batter but the ball bounces in the dirt and he runs to first safely you were still be granted a strikeout, this is known as a dropped third strike, so if you are having difficulty try having the computer swing at curveballs in the dirt with 2 strikes.



Play on Beginner Difficulty and set the following sliders to minimum (Shift Left) CPU Contact, CPU Power, CPU Timing, CPU Foul frequency , CPU Solid Hits. On Beginner the cpu has difficulty hitting pitches high and inside. So try to put most of your pitches here especially with 2 strikes to get a strikeout.



This also can be done with a friend online, just make sure to set your pitcher interface to Pinpoint before starting.

Friendly Gesture
Pitch Collector Trophy Image.png

Pitch Collector

During any plate appearance, see ten or more pitches (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

This trophy can be tricky to obtain as you will need to foul off at minimum 4 pitches. You will want to set the Human Foul Frequency slider to maximum. Firstly don’t swing until you have either 3 balls or 2 strikes. Now to help improve your chances of fouling the ball off you will want to swing at the ball late, so you will just get a piece of it and keep the at bat going. You can use guess pitch to improve your chances of knowing if an off-speed pitch or fastball is coming. Now foul off 4 or more balls so that you have a 9 pitch at bat then on the tenth pitch don't swing for the trophy to pop.



You can also try boosting this by taking 3 balls and 2 strikes then coordinating what the next pitches are to improve your late timing.

Pitch Collector
All About Hustle Trophy Image.png

All About Hustle

Collect four hits or more within a game with a single player (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, by simulating/fast forwarding, or by switching teams.)

The fastest way to earn this is in Road To The Show mode as you don’t need to worry about batting as all 9 batters. Using a hitter in Road To The Show, set the Difficulty to Beginner and set the following sliders to maximum Human Contact, Human Power, Human Timing, Human Solid Hits, and Baserunner Speed.

Setting Fielder Reaction and Fielder speed sliders to minimum can also be beneficial. Now that you have set all the sliders in your favor you should have no problem constantly getting hits since most of the pitches will be right down the middle. Simply get four hits in one game to unlock this trophy. You can use this same method in a player locked game or normal game if you would prefer.

All About Hustle
Work That Count Trophy Image.png

Work That Count

After falling behind in the count 0-2, work back to a full 3-2 count (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

You should swing and miss at the first 2 pitches at on purpose in order to make the count 0-2, now you will only want to swing at pitches in the strike zone and not swing at any pictures that aren't in it, it is suggested that you set the foul frequency slider to maximum in order two awhile a greater chance of keeping the bat going if a strike is thrown.


You should set the following sliders to minimum to improve your chances of 3 balls in a row being thrown. CPU starter stamina, CPU reliever stamina, CPU pitcher control , CPU pitcher consistency , CPU strike frequency. Play against a Double A team as their pitching staff will have low control and consistency attributes.



This can easily be boosted with a friend by having them throw 2 strikes that you don’t swing at, then having them throw 3 balls in a row on purpose.

Work That Count
I'm Walkin' Here Trophy Image.png

I'm Walkin' Here!!

Record eight or more team walks within a game (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

This trophy can be difficult to achieve as you will need patience and some work in order to draw eight walks in one game. To improve your chances at drawing a walk, you shouldn’t swing until there are two strikes. If you reach two strikes, you should only swing at pitches close to the strike zone otherwise don't swing to try to draw more balls. 


You should set the following sliders to minimum to improve your chances of walking CPU starter stamina, CPU reliever stamina, CPU pitcher control , CPU pitcher consistency , CPU strike frequency. Play against a Double A team as their pitching staff will have low control and consistency attributes.


This can easily be boosted against a friend by having them throw 4 balls in a row on purpose to the first eight batters.

I'm Walkin Here!!
Sneak Attack Trophy Image.png

Sneak Attack

Advance a runner into scoring position or score a run with a sac bunt (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams.)

First you will need to get a runner on 1st or 3rd base with less than two outs. Now as the batter use the triangle button to bunt the ball and allow the runner on base to advance to the next base.


Playing on beginner difficulty for hitting makes this easier as the CPU throws a ton of strikes which makes it easier to bunt.

Sneak Attack
Strength & Energy Trophy Image

Strength & Energy

Hit 25 home runs throughout any combination of modes (offline or online). (Awarded with normal game-play and accumulation of home runs.)

Strength & Energy
On The Path To Greatness Trophy Image.png

On The Path To Greatness

In Road to the Show, get drafted by an MLB® team.

Start a new Road To The Show, and select any of the answers when talking to your former coach, and after a brief cutscene you will be drafted and the trophy will pop.

On The Path To Greatness
That Looks Classy Trophy Image.png

That Looks Classy

Equip any bat-skin onto your Road to the Show player or Diamond Dynasty team. (Awarded in RTTS edit player or DD edit team equipment.)

(Online Required)


You can acquire bat skins from packs, Conquest or through the marketplace. The quickest way to acquire would be through the marketplace. To access the marketplace go to the shop tab in diamond dynasty. Now press marketplace and they will be located under equipment. Press the square button to filter, and change slot type to bat, and set the rarity to diamond.


Now you want to be careful and make sure you select a bat skin and not a diamond bat, underneath the name it will tell you the brand if it is a bat, if not it will say bat skin. Purchase the cheapest bat skin. Now scroll back over to the home tab and go to customize team equipment and select your purchased bat skin.

That Looks Classy
Baseball Satelitte Trophy Image.png

Baseball Satellite

Hit a 425+ foot home run in any stadium (any mode - offline or online). (Awarded after hitting a home run that travels 425+ feet from home plate.)

Start a home Run Derby using a power hitter such as Pete Alonso, or anyone else who has a high power rating. Keep hitting home runs until you hit one over 425 feet to unlock this trophy.

Baseball Satellite
Chopping Firewood Trophy Image.png

Chopping Firewood

As a pitcher, break a hitter's bat (any mode - offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, practice mode, or by switching teams

This trophy is a luck based and it may happen playing naturally. The one way you can try to improve your chances is by throwing fastballs on the inside of the plate, as this will jam the hitter and can potentially lead to a broken bat.


Since you will be pitching many games in March to October, and in Road To The Show (If you remain a pitcher) This is a good trophy to save for cleanup since you may earn it naturally.

Chopping Firewood
Free Ticket To 1st Trophy Image

Free Ticket To 1st

Draw a walk with the first batter of an inning (offline or online). (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, franchise mode, MTO, practice mode, using a save file, or by switching teams.) 

This trophy can be completed in any inning as-long as it is with the first batter. To improve your chances at drawing a walk, you shouldn’t swing until there are two strikes. If you reach two strikes, you should only swing at pitches close to the strike zone otherwise don't swing to try to draw more balls. 


You should set the following sliders to minimum To improve your chances of walking CPU starter stamina, CPU reliever stamina, CPU pitcher control , CPU pitcher consistency , CPU strike frequency.


This can easily be boosted against a friend by having them throw 4 balls in a row on purpose to the leadoff batter.

Free Ticket To 1st
Fast Track Trophy Image

Fast Track

In March to October, fast-track a prospect by earning a player boost in a minor league player-lock episode. (Awarded after successfully completing a fast track player lock in MTO.) 

Once the minor league season starts in early May you will receive A key Moment to Fast Track a Minor League Player. Select any player from the list of 3 and you will play a player locked game, now perform well as the player, by getting and RBI or allowing pitching a quality start (6 Innings giving up 3 runs or less) to fast track your player to the majors. Don’t worry if you fail the first time, as you will get 3 or 4 chances to fast track a player in a March To October Season.

Fast Track
Grand Opening Trophy Image.png

Grand Opening

Open your first player card pack. (Awarded through the front end inventory menu, opening any card pack.)

(Online Required)


Once you complete the tutorial for Diamond Dynasty mode, you will have access to the shop. Simply scroll over to the Shop tab in Diamond Dynasty and go to buy packs and you can buy the cheapest pack for 1,500 Stubs.

Grand Opening
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